Welcome to the peter-ant playground

... home of some multi-player web applications. (Entertaining for the developer, if not for you).

Currently available to play:
A simple board game. Cards are placed face down. Turn over 2 at a time trying to find pairs.

Solitaire: If the cards match, they are removed from the board and you gained two points. If they don't match, they are flipped face down. Keep guessing until all pairs have been matched. You gain points for speed and minimal number of card flips to clear the board.

Click Invite
Send the URL in your clipboard to people you would like to join the game.
People can join, play and leave that game anytime they want.
Players take turns. When one player fails to make a match, the next player gets a turn.
The person with the most pairs at the end of a hand is the winner and is first to guess in the next hand.

A knock-off of Wordle.
Includes: a solitarie game (just like Wordle); a version to play against a 'bot (TBD); and a multi-player version.
To create a multi-player game:
Games → Human
Enter your name, a name for the game and click the Play button.
Enter the first challenge word where prompted.
Click Invite (), then click Copy URL. (Optionally type a message new players will see the first time they join your game.)
Send the URL in your clipboard to whoever you would like to join your game.

The games are a tiny bit less amateur than this web page.